Our Annual Celebration includes events Thursday and Friday for the ministerium (church staff and credentialed clergy) as well as events Friday and Saturday for church delegates and general conferees.
The Celebration takes place in Bellingham, Washington, with Ministerium events held at Lettered Streets Covenant Church and general conference events held at Bellingham Covenant. There are some options for virtual (online) participation as well.
THU MAY 1st & FRI MAY 2nd
FRI MAY 2nd & SAT May 3rd
NOTE: No meals are included; you will be on your own for Thursday dinner and Friday lunch.
Friday: Workshops, dinner and worship.Saturday: Business Meeting and boxed lunch.
LOCATION:Lettered Streets Covenant Church1419 N Forest St, Bellingham, WA
@ Lettered Streets Covenant Church
Dr. Jer Swigart, co-founder of Global Immersion, will focus with us on peacemaking.
Dinner on your own.
Virtual Attendance Available
LOCATION:Bellingham Covenant Church1530 E Bakerview Rd, Bellingham, WA
@ Bellingham Covenant Church
Workshop #1 | Sally Carlson & Rachel GoughUnderground Ministries - One Parish, One PrisonerWorkshop #2 | Nancy SagikawaClarifying Your Discipleship Pathway
Workshop # 3 | Greg JohnsonPreparing Your Church to Host and Steward RevivalWorkshop #4 | Erik CaveWhere Have All the Young Adults Gone?
Featuring Paul Lessard.
Please note that a limited selection of events are open to virtual participants.
THURSDAY | Ministerium Continuing Ed
Thursday's continuing education for Covenant pastoral staff and clergy members.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY | Ministerium Business Meeting
Annual Ministerium Business Meeting, attending in-person.
FRIDAY | Ministerium Business Meeting (Virtual)
Annual Ministerium Business Meeting, attending virtually.
FRIDAY | 2pm | Workshop 1
: : Underground Ministries | One Parish, One Prisoner: How Your Church Can Support the Reentry Process : : Facilitated by Sally Carlson, Associate Pastor at Shoreline Covenant and Rachel Gough, Co-Pastor at Monroe Covenant.Underground Ministries' mission is to open new relationships of embrace and trust between the incarcerated and communities to which they return--for our mutual transformation and resurrection. Their program, "One Parish, One Prisoner," pairs your congregation with someone soon to be released to your area, and guides your team through a two-year journey of relationship-building, release planning, and holistic reentry support. What if every person released from prison had a local community waiting to embrace them? Join us for a conversation and sharing with churches who are already on this journey of transformation and find out how you can join the movement of healing.
FRIDAY | 2pm | Workshop 2
: : Clarifying Your Discipleship Pathway : : Facilitated by Nancy Sugikawa, Discipleship Consultant for the PacNWCDo newcomers and new believers at your church know how to take their next step toward a deeper and more meaningful life with Jesus? Do long-time members feel equipped to come alongside younger believers and help them grow in their identity as beloved children of God? Join us as we look at the different stages of discipleship and how churches can become more effective in encouraging and resourcing members toward spiritual maturity, emotional health, and more fruitfulness in ministry.
FRIDAY | 3:30pm | Workshop 3
: : Preparing Your Church to Host & Steward Revival : :Facilitated by Greg Johnson, Executive Director of Revive New England.Join us as we explore how to prepare our churches for a fresh move of God’s Spirit that can shape the next generation. Grounded in Scripture and inspired by historical awakenings, this seminar will examine how a biblical vision for renewal invites the Church into deeper surrender, prayer, and expectancy.
FRIDAY | 3:30pm | Workshop 4
: : Where Have All the Young Adults Gone? Addressing our growing generation gap as our young people walk away from the church. : :Facilitated by Erik Cave, Director of NextGen Ministries, PacNWCMany churches are suffering an age gap created by a lack of young adults in their congregation. This is an old problem that has grown worse with the rise of Gen Z. Will they return? Will the church survive? Is there hope for our youth? This workshop will explore the research that explains why this gap is getting bigger, share practical ideas for creating a welcoming environment for young adults, and offer hope to those who are concerned about younger generations.
FRIDAY | 5:30 PM | Celebration Dinner
FRIDAY | 7:00 PM | Worship (In-person)
SATURDAY | 9:00am | PacNWC Annual Business Meeting (In-Person)
SATURDAY | 9:00am | PacNWC Annual Business Meeting (Virtual)
SATURDAY | 12:00pm | Boxed Lunch
Select this session if you would like to have a boxed lunch provided for you after the Annual Business Meeting.